Knowledgebase: Additional Services
What is the Virtual Fax feature?
Posted by on 10 October 2014 09:57 AM

Our Virtual Fax service allows you to receive inbound faxes over a dedicated fax line.  Any inbound transmissions are forwarded to an email address kept on file for the fax service.  Outbound faxing can be achieved by uploading a supported digital document through your VOIPo vPanel under the Fax - Outbound section.

We recommend you use a PDF as the document type to send, other formats are supported but this tends to be the most stable.

The Fax system also sends email notifications to the default address on file, unless you specify another address on a per fax basis. You can also check the notification disable box to disable notifications.

The system will notify you of the success or failure of the fax. It will attempt to send a fax 3 times, if the receiving line is busy or if there is no answer.
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