VOIPo Voicemail Options
Posted by on 10 October 2014 09:17 AM
Below are the touch tone options for VOIPo Voicemail:
Mailbox Options:
Listen to Rec: 1
Save the Recording: 2
Delete the Recording: 7
Foward to Email: 4
Return the Call: 5
Forward the message: 8 (can only be forwarded to other VOIPo numbers)
End of Messages Options:
Listen to your messages: 1
Listen to saved messages: 2
Advanced Options: 5
Exit your mailbox: #
Advance Options:
Record a Greeting: 1 (can assign 9 different greetings to be used one at a time by choosing 1 - 9)
Choose a Greeting: 2 (choose a greeting between 1 - 9 previously recorded)
Record Your Name Only: 4
Change Your Mailbox Password: 6
Go back to Main Menu: *
Further questions regarding these options can be directed towards
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